Welcome to the Baylor ISR Center for Christian Philosophy

John Haldane

Haldane discusses rights, dignity, faith and public life with Christopher Hitchens, world-famous British journalist and anti-theist (The Veritas Forum at Oxford, 2010)

Haldane Haldane participates in a panel discussion on the intersection of sexual ethics with the University (The Anscombe Society)

Haldane joins a panel discussion on the relationship between (Australian) politics and Christianity (Australia’s Q&A)

Haldane on love, sex and marriage in liberal societies (The Iona Institute)

Haldane on Thomas Reid and the Art of Philosophy (Royal Society Edinburgh)

Haldane on Aquinas and Realism (Lumen Christi)

Haldane participates in a panel discussion on understanding persons (The de Nicola Family Colloquoy, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame)

John Haldane: “Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life” (Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life, University of South Carolina)

Haldane on Life, God, and Other Small Topics (Q&A, Institute for Ethics and Society, University of Notre Dame Australia)

Dr. Haldane on Three Perspectives on Human Life (Institute of Bioethics, Franciscan University of Steubenville)

Haldane on Sex and Society (Institute for Ethics and Society, University of Notre Dame Australia)

Haldane on The Challenge of Barbarism and How to Deal with It (University of Notre Dame Australia)

Haldane on The Philosophical Foundations of the Family (Family Education Trust)

Haldane on The Future of the University: Philosophy, Education, and the Catholic Tradition (Mount St. Mary’s University)

John Haldane: Culture Wars in the Church and in the World (Theology on Tap Sydney)
Part 1:

Part 2:

Haldane: Catholic Universities and Higher Education in a Time of Confusion (Institute for Ethics and Society, University of Notre Dame Australia)

Haldane in a panel discussion on The Culture of Life After September 11 (Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame)

Haldane on Christian Thought and Natural Science (Knowing Creation, University of St. Andrews)

Haldane on Profession, Vocation, and Healthcare Ethics (Clarke Family Lecture in Medical Ethics, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame)

John Haldane – The Wise and the Otherwise (Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture, Institute for Faith and Learning, Baylor University)